We advise and support insurance companies, industry, commerce and public authorities in the prevention, defence, investigation and follow-up of white-collar crime.

We have deliberately decided not to include the term “detective agency” in our portfolio or company name.
The tried and tested term “detective agency” does not adequately cover our fields of activity, business areas and professional orientation in the area of white-collar crime and anti-fraud management and does not reflect the individual and modern services offered by ECRA GmbH.

Five service areas in which we specialize in Germany and abroad:

Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud inspections and investigations.

Insurance Services

Service and support as well as plausibility checks in the event of damage

Car Forensic

Technical and digital evaluation in the area of motor vehicle damage.


Forensic investigations in the field of white-collar crime.

Open Source Forensic

Research and analysis of data in the public network.

Anti-Fraud Management

Processing of fraudulent acts as a cross-sectional task.

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle